Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems
- Signal and Systems (UG)
- Digital IC Design (UG)
- Microprocessors Theory and Lab (UG)
- Computer Organization (UG)
- Computer Architecture (UG)
- ML-Hardware Cross Layer Codesign (Grad)
- Multivariate Calculus (UG)
- Linear Algebra (UG)
- Probability, Statistics and Stochastic Processes (UG)
Optimization and Control
- Control Systems (UG)
- Stochastic Control (UG)
- Convex Optimization (UG)
- Stochastic Optimization (UG)
Machine Learning
- Introduction to Machine Learning (UG)
- Fundamentals of Deep Learning (UG)
- Multi-Armed Bandits (UG)
- Reinforcement Learning (UG)
- Applied Machine Learning (Grad)